Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tickled Pink: an Intro


I figured that instead of blasting random groups of people whose emails I happen to have with the occasional (and potentially long winded) email about what I'm up to I would give this whole blog thing a shot and you can check in on it whenever you want! There. One less junk email for the ones I love. You're welcome.

This will be my, eh, Public Mouthpiece (?), but I still hope to be sending (and receiving!) individual letters and emails.

I'm writing from Delhi, in a crowded Bazaar wedged between the New and Old parts of the city. Lots of foreigners. Heavy smell of lacquer thinner making me a little dizzy. Temperature is great, though. All the smog and cow shit must have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere. This is my first day on my own, the Rotary Thing finished for now, to be resumed in February. In a couple hours I head to Gorakhpur, the first stop on my way to Kathmandu, Nepal, from where I'll try and weasel my way into Tibet before beginning the long trek back southward. In a sense, I still feel like my "trip" has yet to really begin. I've been running all sorts of errands trying to prepare to leave India this morning. That includes visa info, train ticket, a padlock and chain for luggage securing on trains (not sure this is actually necessary, but I've been warned enough that I'll give it a try), a Nepalese guidebook, and so on. I've got at least two solid days of buses and trains ahead of me, and as many as four or five, so wish me luck.. I'll be incommunicado for a spell.

I'm now officially a part of the World Wide Blogosphere. Tickled Pink. Truly.

And You,
You are my loyal readership. Aren't we mod?

(I blame any weirdness in this or the next post on the lacquer thinner-doused room I'm sitting in.. I'm definitely starting to feel a little loopy)

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