Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Back to back updates?

That must mean that I'm back in California!

And it's true.

India. It's been a love-hate sort of thing. And I have every intention of returning. Many times.

I'll skip the obnoxious conclusive post where I tell you all that I found God -- excuse me, S'iva -- and just throw a couple final photos on the interweb.

Happy days are here again.

I'll meet you at the cemetery gates.

My original flight was one of those tedious three-day-and-four-city affairs that I was, finally, lucky enough to be able to change. In a very welcome surprise, my new flight hopped over the North Pole, treating me to a stunning six-hour sunrise. Eventually we slipped ahead of the sun, the morning twilight ceding to black, only to rise again in a spectacular phoenix-like performance in Chicago. Que wow.

The future? And here's a photo that I didn't take but saw posted this morning by Scott Beale, Mr. Laughing Squid himself. In case you don't recognize it, this, "The City Under the Rainbow," is San Francisco.

I'll be back in around a week's time. So if anybody wants to offer me a super cheap or super awesome place to live in the City, do ring.

In the mean time, if you're in LA or the AV, do ring.


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